Defining Telogen Effluvium—A Reversible Hair Loss Disorder

Hair care can be a difficult subject to broach. Most individuals shed approximately 125 hairs a day through daily activities like washing and brushing. But what if you suddenly notice more hair shedding than you usually do? On the floor, on your clothes, in your hairbrush, it just seems to be adding up. First things first - don’t panic! Stress can cause additional and possibly unrelated hair loss. Looking at causal links can help you determine if your hair loss is from Telogen Effluvium.

What Is Telogen Effluvium?

Telogen Effluvium is the second most common form of hair loss. You can read more extensively about other common forms of hair loss here. Who gets it? Telogen Effluvium presents in healthy women between the ages of 30 to 60, with no other precipitating cause. The name comes from the telogen phase of hair growth. During this phase, which lasts between 3 to 5 months, the hair enters the third phase of the hair growth cycle. When hair enters the telogen phase, also known as resting phase, older hair rests and new hair enters a new growth. Telogen Effluvium occurs when hair enters the final hair growing phase and begins to thin and fall out. The tendrils that fall out are known as telogen hair and or club hair. 

The Top Five Things You Should Know About Telogen Effluvium

If you’re concerned about rapid hair loss, contact a doctor to find solutions for mitigating permanent damage.

1. Possible Causes

You might wonder, what could “trigger” Telogen Effluvium? Well, Telogen Effluvium is a temporary form of hair loss that can happen after shock, trauma, or stress. Stress . . . it seems to permeate your everyday life. From Zoom Meetings to dealing with pandemic rebellion and listening to the news, stress has become an everyday part of our lives. Finding ways to cope with it can save your hair, your skin, and improve your overall health. Other triggers include, but aren’t limited to: childbirth, recent surgical operations, illnesses, medication, endocrine disorders, anemia, exhaustion, excessive sun exposure, or a traumatic accident.

Crash diets that deprive your body of essential nutrients can cause Telogen Effluvium. Diets like the “potato diet,” don’t provide enough iron, zinc, vitamin B-6, and vitamin B-12, which is essential for your hair and body. Avoiding drastic forms of weight loss or subsiding from a dangerous diet can get your hair back on track.

Chronic illnesses combine several factors that would aid and abet in hair loss, such as stress, trauma, and medication. Getting adequate rest, taking vitamins, and communicating with your primary care physician can help you get your health and hair to where you want it to be.

2. What It Could Be Disguised As

Alopecia Areata is a skin disease that’s characterized by bald patches on the head and body. If you’re noticing hair loss in an area other than your head, then you might be looking at a different condition. With this condition, you might also experience pain or prickling at the area of hair loss, along with thin or splitting nails. Talk to a doctor to rule out other forms of hair loss, such as fungal infections like ringworm, which also cause round patches of hair to disappear. 

Androgenetic Alopecia is common in both men and women. It presents as a hair loss pattern that starts at the hairline and recedes into a “M” shape and can impact the crown of your scalp hair. It is often referred to as “male-pattern baldness.” It can result from hereditary traits, from a hormonal imbalance, age, diabetes, or lupus. If you begin to see hair loss when your hair is wet or under certain lighting, you can consult a medical professional before it gets out of hand. 

3. Will My Hair Grow Back?

Yes, it will! Discovering what’s at the root, pardon the pun, of your hair loss can help you regain your head of hair more quickly. Have you been stressed out more than usual because a presentation is coming up at work? Did the recent car accident have more of an impact on you than you originally thought? Finding the origin to the contaminated well will help you regain fresh water. Or, in this case, finding the cause of your hair loss will help you quickly get your hair back. 

4. Duration

At this point, if you think you have Telogen Effluvium, you should be feeling relieved because you know that it’s a temporary hair loss disorder. On the tip of that relief, you’re still wondering, when do I get my hair back? Hair growth should begin within six months. Your hair might not return until its previous appearance for up to eighteen months. But there are ways that you can stimulate your hair follicles to promote healthy hair growth.

5. How To Stimulate Hair Growth

Encouraging your hair to grow may sound strange, but it doesn’t need to. There are many resources to help people with all stages of hair loss. 

One of the best solutions for people suffering from Telogen Effluvium is non-surgical hair replacement. This non-invasive remedy stimulates weaker hair follicles to significantly increase hair growth. It’s helpful for those with “thinning hair” who want to get a more voluminous head of hair. Having a consultation with a doctor can help you decide if it’s the right option for you. 

In more “extreme” cases, surgical hair replacements can be used to restore hair where the follicles have been previously damaged. Restoring hair loss gives you confidence and helps you regain control of your appearance. 

Hair loss can be traumatic in its own regard, especially if you’ve been denying the sudden signs. Don’t let yourself get overwhelmed with your hair. Discovering the cause will lead you more quickly to the cure! Telogen Effluvium doesn’t need to weigh on your shoulders any longer than it already has. Combat hair loss with good habits , top-of-the-line treatments, and staying informed!